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Formula One Car Window Tinting Helps You Look Cool and Feel Cooler

In just minutes, the Fresno/Clovis sun can send your car’s interior temperature skyrocketing, making your drive not only uncomfortable but possibly dangerous.

orange corvette with tinted windows

Professionally Installed Window Film

LLumar FormulaOne automotive window film, professionally installed by U.S. Tint in Fresno, can reduce surface temperatures by up to 65%, lowering them up to 16°C (29°F) even before you turn on your air. That means no more hot seats or blistering steering wheels – and even better, it lessens the burden on your air conditioning system, allowing you to save fuel and reduce your costs at the pump.

Benefits of Automotive Window Film

With the ever-increasing breakdown of our ozone layer, dermatologists warn against overexposure to the sun. Polarized sunglasses protect the eyes, sunblock protects the skin, and now window film protects the interior of your car and everyone inside. By blocking 99% of the sun’s UV rays, it’s no wonder The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends car window film for the prevention of sun damage.

In addition, while you’re being protected, so is your car’s interior. Car window tinting prevents the fading, cracking and peeling of vinyl, leather or fabric due to the sun. Your car looks newer longer, and you increase its resale value.

Glare from the sun or headlights is not only annoying, it can be deadly if it affects your ability to see while driving. FormulaOne car window tint blocks 67% of glare so you can better concentrate on the road ahead.

Because our car window film is so strong, it can hold broken glass in place in the event of an accident, protecting you and your passengers against flying shards of glass. Plus, it’s incredibly difficult to break through, acting as a natural deterrent against break-ins and vandals.

The latest film processing technology and highest quality materials are incorporated into the manufacture of our automotive films. The high-performance adhesive used on all FormulaOne window film products provides exceptional adhesion – guaranteed to not bubble, peel, crack, or discolor – keeping your vehicle showroom perfect! FormulaOne films are available in a wide range of options, all designed to give your vehicle stylish good looks while providing outstanding protection that suits your needs.

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